
Why is it that this activity of blogging has become so widespread?  I know why I have started.  I have recently decided to test out my writing skills and wade into the tepid waters of the Freelance Sea.  I am naked as a jaybird (whatever that means), and know I will encounter many creatures both good and bad but I am a good swimmer and can tread water if need be.

For years I have wanted to be a part of a Socrates Cafe but location and life circumstances have never allowed that to happen.  Now, with the aid of coputers and other technology, I can create my own and invite people from all over the world and from all walks of life to participate.

Blogging seemed to be the best way for me to express myself and generate discussion on common and abstract subjects while gaining experience, learning new techniques and building a network of like-minded and unique individuals.

So here goes.  I hope you choose to join me in this endeavor and contribute to the varied and various discussions that keep me afloat.

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